Thursday, December 18, 2014


Be careful buying from a box store, a mail order catalog or from an online company can come back to haunt you.
Please remember to support local small businesses. You might pay more for a locally purchased item from a small family owned business but that extra money that you pay up front is a good investment for the future. It helps you build a relationship with a service center who can offer parts, maintenance supplies, warranty and accessories that will suit your needs.
A good local merchant will have valued experience in selling you the right piece of equipment, the first time and will offer to demonstrate the equipment before you part with your hard earned cash. They will pre-assemble and test run the equipment and then train their customers on how to properly operate and maintain the equipment. A respectable service center should also offer local pick up/delivery, on site service repair, loaner equipment programs and maintenance contracts. You won't get that from an online internet, catalog or box store purchase.
Another benefit is that you keep your dollars within your local community, which in turn, helps keep neighbors employed, keeps businesses in storefronts, which helps keep taxes lower and that saves you money in the long run.
The bottom line is that the old adage is true, you get what you pay for.


  1. Could NOT. Agree more. Small business is best business.

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